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Trish's Poetry Books Below
Trish's poetry has also been published in these poetry collections:

A Time of Trial
Hidden Brook Press
"The Canadian Red Cross Society extends its congratulations and thanks
to Richard Grove of Hidden Brook Press and the many talented authors
who so generously donated their work for inclusion in Time of Trial.
We also extend our thanks to the generous corporate sponsors whose
financial support made the publication of this book possible as a
fundraiser for the Red Cross USA Appeal. During times of crisis, people turn to each other in a common
humanity. September 11, 2001 will be etched in our minds forever.
These poems echo the breadth of human emotion - heartbreak, despair,
anger and more importantly love, tolerance and hope for a future free
of hatred and war. It is this call for tolerance, understanding and
respect among all people that truly reflects the basic principles of
the Red Cross." --Lois Flemming, Director Fund Development, CRCS 111 pages.

Oval Victory
Hidden Brook Press
"...The poems in this anthology, like eggs gathered at sunrise or stones picked from a beach and skipped into the sea, take the ordinary shape of existence and exalt it. We can hold them in our hands or set them free. Inside every one of them is a creature with wings.... What struck me with the chosen poems was their humanity. The best of new Canadian poetry is offered here, and it isn't the poetry of alienation or the poetry of conflict. It is the poetry of redemption. The cutting edge has gone soft. It is as approachable and nourishing as a breast, or an egg. This book is filled with words crafted to make us whole again. The collective noun for it is a "kindness of poems." It is, in every sense, an oval victory." --Linda Rogers, editor 159 pages.

No Love Lost III
Hidden Brook Press
CDN $15.95
Available through:
Hidden Brook Press
"...The idea of writing a poem about love in all its shapes and colors reduces most of us to mush. I expected a lot of mush when I started reading the poems in this volume, because that is what we make of our feelings. We too often add the water of our most abstract words and stir... Love is ordinary, the more ordinary the more extraordinary. That truth was affirmed over and over again in the poems I have chosen... These poems are about the transformation of lust into love, passion into reason, innocence into experience. Each one is a journey. There is a movement, like the flight of a bird that takes us toward that place we are incapable of describing, where love is light." -- Linda Rogers, contest judge 157 pages.

Elan, A Regina Weese Collection
Wingate Press
CDN $12.95
Available through:
Wingate Press
REGINA WEESE Magazine is offering its first printed anthology of
contributors' works from the years 2003 and 2004. Available in
January 2005, Elan, a Regina Weese Anthology Volume 1, contains
poetry and prose by some of Canada's up-and-coming writers and poets.
Regina Weese has been recognized globally for its outstanding content
and newfound talents. The name of the magazine is taken from
Margaret's Laurence's The Stone Angel. It is the name inscribed on
the stone angel in the story and permission has been granted by the
late author's family to use the name for this wonderful collection of
Canadian talent. 200 pages.

Sharing the Dark
Passion Among The Cacti Press
CDN $8.00
Available through:
Canadian Poetry Association
This is a brave little book. Over the course of a long winter a
poet's thoughts belong not only to the bony squeeze of a winter's
hand on the heart, but come more from a longer season's experiences
with a deeper, more prolonged depression. These are transient griefs, and bitter, prolonged journeys into despair. Writing of them may have allowed a little light into the darkest
corners. It takes courage to examine the truth and commonality of
this condition. Some of the expressions here have resulted in provocative,
sympathetic and rather beautiful poetry. We hope that this collection will reach out to clasp hands with any
in despair, so that they will recognize some understanding, some
acknowledgment of suffering, and most poignantly that they are not
alone. 24 pages.

Infinite Pleasures
Intaglio Publications
Currently being reprinted.
The anthology contributors are notable lesbian authors from many of the foremost GLBT publishers (Alyson, Baycrest Books, Bella Books, BookEnds Press, D2D, Fortitude, Justice House Publishing, Regal Crest Enterprises, Writer's Showcase Press).Hot, edgy, beyond-the-envelope erotica from over thirty of the best lesbian authors writing today. This no-holds barred, tell it like you wish it could be collection is guaranteed to rocket your senses into overload and ratchet your body up to high-burn. This is NOT a book to be read in one sitting - savor, simmer, and let yourself be seduced by these Infinite Pleasures... 292 pages.

The Future Looks Bright
InnerSurf Publishing
CDN/US $15.00
Available through:
Canadian Federation of Poets
If you knew you could make a difference would you use your words to
heal humanity or walk a path of silent calm? We chose to make a
difference. Find out how. I was amazed at the number of submissions, and the care each poet
took in satisfying the theme of hope and prosperity for the future.
It is the reason that a society such as The Canadian Federation of
Poets exists, to nurture those who need to be heard. This volume is
a testament to the talent out there. I look forward to the
resurgence of poetry in everyday life, with this positive message and
outlook. 56 pages.
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